About Indigo Roads Boutique


I've heard it said, "Behind every small business is a family" and that is so very true! This is mine! I am Heather and I'm the owner and designer at Indigo Roads Boutique. I am a wife to a wonderful husband and a mom to 4 kiddos. I have 3 wild and amazing boys, ages 9, 12 and 14 and a 4 year old baby girl. Not only is my family my "why" for all that I do, but they are the "how" too. They all help in various aspects of our business. They each have their favorite jobs from stamping and organizing supplies, to working shows, to shipping packages. My daughter is now at the age that she wants to help me with every step of the process. I love the lessons my children have learned as my business has grown.

Indigo Roads Boutique started early in 2018 when I began creating fun earrings for myself. I had a hard time finding fun affordable, earrings, and with Sterling... so I decided to start making my own. Friends started asking me to make them too, and it snowballed from there.  Although I wasn't looking to start a business, Indigo Roads was born! I often call it my accidental business. Over 6 years later, I now have amazing customers all over the US sporting my handcrafted earrings.

My husband and I have been married over 16 years, and have lived in 4 different states together, (NC, DE, VA, and OH).  The "Roads" in Indigo Roads is a play off of our name- but also represents to me all of the fun roads we have traveled together (this business being one of them). Indigo represents my kiddos- as I originally chose it as to represent my blue eyed boys. It has an even deeper meaning now. The color Indigo is 3 parts blue to 1 part purple- the perfect representation of my children. :)

In addition to being a wife, mom and a business owner, I am a former teacher and photographer, and spend any extra time I have volunteering in the children's ministry at our church,  at my children's schools, and helping with their sports teams. I also serve on the board of two local non-profit organizations. I love watching my kids play various sports, and participate in after school activities. Most of the time our family can be found on a soccer field or basketball court somewhere in central Ohio. Indigo Roads Boutique has been such a fun addition to our lives. I am thankful for all of the extra it has provided for us. I love that it gives me a creative outlet, and I love having the ability to give back and support our community in new ways. What I love most of all is providing something to my friends and customers that makes them feel beautiful and confident. 

Thank you for supporting me and my family! Lots of love goes into each pair!